Tuesday, April 12, 2011

French Government Bans the Burka

I am very surprised at my reaction to banning the burka. On one hand, after majoring in Women's Issues, I have always been sensitive to how women are treated or mistreated throughout the world. How different cultures treat women and behave towards women today, in the so-called "modern age". The burka, to me, smacks of women's rights being violated, women becoming invisible, women being controlled by the patriarchy, women remaining in the background, literally. For me it was sexual . . . if women don't hide their body and faces behind a robe and a veil, men will get excited looking at them and want them sexually. We don't mask the men, we hide the women from their view. As if men can't control themselves, so women must remove their suggestive bodies and faces from the lascivious leer of men.

Is a burka required garb? Are we talking required by law, by the Koran, by their husbands, by their God? Or do some women wear it because they feel more comfortable not being leered at by men . . . because it is a religious belief that they must remain modest? . . . because it is their culture? I always believed that the burka was a way of male domination over women. I was so opposed . . . I, of course, believe that women everywhere should be free. Free to do as they please, free to be educated, free to pick their own mate, free to not get married, free to have a child or not, free to drive, free to be outside their home without a male escort, free to make their own decisions. Whatever those decisions are.

To that degree, I have not changed. I believe that women should be free to make their own choices (this applies to their bodies too, i.e. abortion rights, contraceptive rights etc.).

So why am I so opposed to the French law that bans the burka? I surprised even myself . . .
not to mention my French husband!

Women's rights. That is what this law is about . . . to me . . . in my opinion . . .

Men still telling women what they can and can't do, can't wear, can't can't can't . . .

It is not that I am for the burka or against it . . . it is merely that women should be able to make that choice.

What do you think? Tell me your opinion . . .


hmmmmm said...

I agree with you. It is just "one more ban" against women. Let the woman choose. I wore a burkha when I lived in Morocco and I liked the anonimity of it. I did feel safer. If they ban the burkha then they have to ban the turban for men too!

Nancy Gifford said...

I agree with you. It is just "one more ban" against women. Let the woman choose. I wore a burkha when I lived in Morocco and I liked the anonimity of it. I did feel safer. If they ban the burkha then they have to ban the turban for men too!

Unknown said...

My question (sincerely desiring equality for all) is: Are men also banned from wearing a veil?

Anonymous said...

I totally agree with you on this one. I had the exact same reaction. Even though I feel personally offended by the wearing of a burka, based on my own bias, I still think that it should be an individual right, and noone should be telling what you can wear or not wear.