Sunday, July 15, 2012

Gay Superhero . . . Really?

                        Gay Superhero . . .  REALLY??

Wow! Times they- are-a-changin' . . . .  First Barbie is running for President and now we find out that our hero's . .  our super-hero's . . . are GAY.  Not that I'm against gay, or I'm a homophobe . . . quite the opposite, actually . . . some of my best friends are gay! I'm an interior designer, some of my best friends really are gay!! and I love hanging out with them. . . so . . .
No, it isn't that, it's just that I'm a little disappointed. . .  naive, maybe I should have known . . . they were running around in tights all the time! But still, everyone joked, laughed about it, especially at Halloween, when every kid was dressing as one and feeling very GAY!!
My son was Spiderman from the early age of 3. His first word (really) was not Mama or Dada . . .
it was "piderman". His first drawing was a figure with a cape and he always wore a cape. I had to make it for him. He was "Spidy" for every Halloween, even after he became a father!
He had an amazing collection of comics, maybe even still does and he idolized them and all his superhero figures (boys playing with (acceptable) dolls . . . REALLY?
All the boys loved superhero's and each one usually had a favorite. The kids looked up to them, in a way, wishing for their super-hero machismo, for their super powers, their strength, good looks, etc.

No wonder they all had a cute young sidekick like Batman had Robin. I get it now . . . maybe even Lois Lane was a 'beard' !
Is nothing sacred anymore? Santa Claus isn't real . . . there is no Easter Bunny or Tooth Fairy . . .
and the X-men are gay. Welcome to the 21st Century!!

Monday, April 9, 2012

The Evolution of the Barbie Doll

    Even Hugh Hefner's girlfriend was  named Barbie!
The doll became an overnight sensation and has remained a cultural icon.  
Even Hugh Hefner's girlfriend at the time was named Barbie. She was the "ideal" Barbie playmate!
Barbie had quite a reputation! The name "Barbie" became ubiquitous with a vapid, empty-headed, usually blond girl, with big boobs and a tiny waist and a voracious appetite. 
She was criticized for promoting an unrealistic idea of body image for a young woman and in 2003, "Saudi Arabia outlawed the sale of Barbie dolls because she did not conform to the ideals of Islam."
"Jewish Barbie dolls, with their revealing clothes and shameful postures, accessories and tools are a symbol of decadence to the perverted West. Let us beware of her dangers and be careful."
Well, times they are-a-changin' . . . Barbie is now running for President. Yes . . . it's true . . .
"Mattel announced Barbie’s foray into politics on Thursday, as reported by Forbes. . Barbie is neither  Democrat nor Republican, but the first member of the 'B' party.”

Mother's, daughters, girls and women Rejoice!  Barbie has grown up and finally evolved to the level of  an intellectual, educated, erudite, professional and politically savvy young woman, who can represent the strides that have been made in the last 50 years.Young girls can now imagine, fantasize, strive for and believe that they too can someday be the President of the United States and not  just another pretty face and sexy body. When I was a little girl all I wanted to be was a mommy, because all of my dolls were babies. . until Barbie came along.
Not only is she running for President, she can finally kick off those high heels that she has always worn, and stand on her own for the first time in 53 years. Today she is wearing wedgies that are made to allow her to actually stand on her own two feet!
Women's lives continue to grow and evolve  here and abroad. Women are on the battlefields, not behind a desk, but on the front lines, along with their male compatriots. A woman is the head of the International Monetary Fund, Secretary of State, Prime Minister, Heads of State and CEO of major corporations like Hewlett-Packard, eBay and IBM to name a few. Women are race car drivers, golfers, astronauts . . .  and billionaires in their own right . . . 
so it's about time that the Barbie doll  also owns  up  to her potential and the  opportunities that can be hers. 
We've come a long way Barbie! . . . 
So remember, Girls, you  CAN be anything you want to be, regardless of the color of your skin . . . the only limits are those you set for yourself.