Gay Superhero . . . REALLY??
Wow! Times they- are-a-changin' . . . . First Barbie is running for President and now we find out that our hero's . . our super-hero's . . . are GAY. Not that I'm against gay, or I'm a homophobe . . . quite the opposite, actually . . . some of my best friends are gay! I'm an interior designer, some of my best friends really are gay!! and I love hanging out with them. . . so . . .
No, it isn't that, it's just that I'm a little disappointed. . . naive, maybe I should have known . . . they were running around in tights all the time! But still, everyone joked, laughed about it, especially at Halloween, when every kid was dressing as one and feeling very GAY!!
My son was Spiderman from the early age of 3. His first word (really) was not Mama or Dada . . .
it was "piderman". His first drawing was a figure with a cape and he always wore a cape. I had to make it for him. He was "Spidy" for every Halloween, even after he became a father!
He had an amazing collection of comics, maybe even still does and he idolized them and all his superhero figures (boys playing with (acceptable) dolls . . . REALLY?
All the boys loved superhero's and each one usually had a favorite. The kids looked up to them, in a way, wishing for their super-hero machismo, for their super powers, their strength, good looks, etc.
No wonder they all had a cute young sidekick like Batman had Robin. I get it now . . . maybe even Lois Lane was a 'beard' !
Is nothing sacred anymore? Santa Claus isn't real . . . there is no Easter Bunny or Tooth Fairy . . .
and the X-men are gay. Welcome to the 21st Century!!
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