New York doesn't have car chases . . .

Bitchellati of the day - police car chases . . . what is the deal with those? Several people were killed in a horrific crash today due to a police car chase.
I didn't even watch the news it makes me so crazy, but I did hear the newscaster posting it to the 11 o'clock news -
The police kill several innocent bystanders in order to catch a car thief or a petty cash thief or some such stupid thing . . .Helicopters buzz overhead, television news crews film the whole thing, thousands watch in awe on their tv screens to see what will happen. The same thing happens all the time. It's inane!! how dare it even be allowed. Seems stupider than drag racing (and that's stupid!!)
Are the police proud of themselves when they catch a car thief but kill a kid on his way to school? Can they say it was worth it? Is it ever worth it and why is it still legal? California cowboys . . . California Dreamin' . . .
Sort of like chasing O.J. and what was that all about??
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